Dover Adult Learning. Dover Adult Learning Center of Strafford County helps all adults who seek to learn enhance their skills and improve their lives through education, job preparation, high school completion, and enrichment classes. We help our students become more effective lifelong learners…
The Dover Adult Learning Center, Inc. is an affirmative action, equal opportunity agency that does not discriminate in its education.
Online Courses from Dover Adult Learning Center ed2go
Dover Adult Learning Center, in partnership with ed2go, offers online open enrollment programs designed to provide the skills necessary to acquire professional level positions for many in-demand occupations. Our programs are designed by a team of professionals from each respective field, providing you with effective web-based learning.
Dover Adult Learning Center of Strafford County, Dover, NH 03820
Dover Adult Learning Center has locations in Dover, Rochester and the Strafford County House of Corrections. Adult Tutorial.
Dover Adult Learning Center has evolved to meet needs over 50 yea…
DOVER — For the past five decades, Dover Adult Learning Center of Strafford County has been on a mission to.
Tai Chi Easy Durham
Dover Adult Learning Center of Strafford County helps all adults who seek to learn enhance their skills and improve their lives through education, job preparation, high school completion, and enrichment classes. We help our students become more effective lifelong learners, family members, workers, and citizens.. DOVER…
Dover Adult Learning Center celebrates 50 years, honors teach…
DOVER — More than 150 current and former board members, staff and volunteers gathered on the lawn of the McConnell Center on Oct. 4 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Dover Adult Learning.
Dover Adult Learning Center birthday party, Poetry Hoot: Comm…
DOVER – On Tuesday, Oct. 4 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., The Dover Adult Learning Center will celebrate its 50 years at 61 Locust St. The Dover.
Online Courses from Dover Adult Learning Center of Strafford Count…
Welcome to DALC's Online Instruction Center! In our catalog, you will find a wide range of interactive courses that you can take.
Dover Adult Learning Center marks 50 years: Remembering those wh…
The Dover Adult Learning Center was incorporated as an organization in 1972. By 1972, Phipps saw a developing need to provide service for teenagers who dropped out of high school. With around 15 students, the first sessions were held in First Parish Church, alongside the adult.